Friday, June 30, 2006

Cell phone ban

Remember this? Here's some food for thought:
Drivers using hands-free phones were no better than those with the handheld variety, confirming previous studies...When using cell phones, drivers had slower reaction times and more accidents, and they drove inconsistently, sometimes approaching other cars and then falling back, he said.

When talking on the phone, the drivers had three accidents, but when they were drunk, they had none. The drivers also had no accidents when they were sober and not using phones.

Besides New Jersey, the only states to ban driving while talking on a handheld cell phone are Connecticut and New York. Washington and some other communities have also banned it, including Conshohocken and West Conshohocken. A statewide ban passed the Pennsylvania Senate this week, sponsored by Sen. Joe Conti (R., Bucks), but a House bill has not been approved. (Philadelphia Inquirer 6/30/06)
Should Elgin start discussing a cell phone ban?


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