Sunday, April 30, 2006

Seed Wiki for community collaboration

You've probably used Wikipedia. If so, you probably know that a wiki is a website that anybody on the web can edit. If you don't like something about a Wikipedia article, you can click the edit button and make your changes.

So why am I talking about a wiki? The whole idea of a wiki is collaboration. And in a community like Elgin there are plenty of opportunities for collaboration. You or a community group can use a wiki to share and refine ideas, to organize and to mobilize.

For this purpose, I think you may want to go with Seed Wiki. It's free and easy to use--you don't even need to sign up (unless you want to create a new wiki). To get you started, I've created a couple of "skeleton" wikis:
If you have anything to contribute or say about these "projects," just click the edit button, and do your thing.


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